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Skills Assessment Australia- Chef

Chef skills assessment Australia is the way to go if you are passionate about food and are interested in migrating to Australia. Australia’s hospitality industry has critical skills shortages and there are skilled visa pathways for chefs in many Australian states. Below, we explain the skilled visa process for a chef.

To migrate to Australia as a chef, you will need to go through a skills assessment process with VETASSESS, which consists of submitting evidence of training, paid employment, and detailed references, as well as an online interview with an Australian assessor.

EOI for Chefs

After obtaining a positive skills assessment, you will need to lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI), which is an online application expressing your interest in migrating to Australia. In the EOI, you will select the visa subclass and state you wish to apply to. The visa category will be determined by your points score and the available sponsoring states.

State Sponsorship for Chefs

It is recommended to complete an English language test to increase your points score, as a recognized test can award you up to 20 extra points. Some states may also require a separate Registration of Interest (ROI) in addition to the EOI.

Most applicants will require state or family sponsorship to secure a skilled visa. The sponsorship helps to gain additional points and increases the chances of receiving an invitation to apply for a skilled visa. Visa subclasses 189 and 190 are permanent residency visas, while the 491 is a temporary visa with a pathway to permanent residency.

Each state sets its own criteria for sponsorship, and some states may require that chefs be currently living and working in their state. Others may have additional requirements such as job offers, minimum work experience, or other specifications. It is important to research the specific requirements of each state when considering state sponsorship as a chef

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How SkillCERTIFY can help You?

SkIllCERTIFY  can help you to find the right institution based on your requirements. We can help you to prepare your application for Enrolment – Admission – Credit Transfer – RPL – Upskills/Upgrade
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What Evidence you Need ?

You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your ability. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include:
✓ Resume
✓ Apprenticeship papers.
✓ Safe Work Method Statements
✓ Job Safety Analysis’
✓ Quotes/Invoice and stock orders
✓ Job Cards
✓ Maintenance Reports/Service sheets
✓ Testing and diagnostic sheets
✓ Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
✓ Letter of Employment
✓ Current employment contracts
✓ Letters of reference from licensed tradesmen you have worked with.
✓ Videos or photos of your work.
✓ Evidence of overseas qualifications.
✓ Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.

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