skill certified bag-04

FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

This qualification is designed for individuals who require further foundation skills development to prepare for workforce entry or vocational training pathways.

Qualification Description

This qualification is designed for individuals who require further foundation skills development to prepare for workforce entry or vocational training pathways.

It is suitable for individuals who require:

  • a pathway to employment or further vocational training
  • reading, writing, oral communication, learning and numeracy skills primarily aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 3
  • entry level digital literacy and employability skills
  • a vocational training and employment plan.

Foundation Skills Training Package qualifications may not be listed as an entry requirement for vocational qualifications.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements


Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

  • 14 units of competency
  • 1 core unit, plus
  • 13 elective units

The electives are to be chosen as follows:

  • up to 5 units may be selected from Group A
  • at least 5 units must be selected from Group B
  • 3 units must be selected from any currently endorsed training package qualification or

accredited course other than FSK

  • remaining units may be selected from the FSK training package or any currently endorsed training package qualification or accredited course.

Elective units must be relevant to vocational pathways and not duplicate the outcomes of already selected units.

Core Units

Unit codeUnit title
FSKLRG011Use routine strategies for work-related learning

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How SkillCERTIFY can help You?

SkIllCERTIFY  can help you to find the right institution based on your requirements. We can help you to prepare your application for Enrolment – Admission – Credit Transfer – RPL – Upskills/Upgrade
Book an online appointment to discuss further.

What Evidence you Need ?

You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your ability. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include:
✓ Resume
✓ Apprenticeship papers.
✓ Safe Work Method Statements
✓ Job Safety Analysis’
✓ Quotes/Invoice and stock orders
✓ Job Cards
✓ Maintenance Reports/Service sheets
✓ Testing and diagnostic sheets
✓ Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
✓ Letter of Employment
✓ Current employment contracts
✓ Letters of reference from licensed tradesmen you have worked with.
✓ Videos or photos of your work.
✓ Evidence of overseas qualifications.
✓ Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.

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