skill certified bag-04

CHC51015-Diploma of Counselling

This certification displays the function of counselors, who deal with clientele on individual and mental problems using recognized counseling modalities. They normally use connection, small-counseling and interviewing abilities and pull on diverse counseling solutions to assist consumers.

The CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling is designed for individuals who work with clients on personal and mental issues using recognized counseling modalities. Counselors in this field utilize communication, small-group counseling, and interviewing skills, drawing on various counseling approaches to assist clients.

Studying the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling provides you with real-world and relevant skills that make you highly skilled and prepared to meet industry benchmarks. Through this program, you will acquire the necessary skills that you can immediately apply and develop diverse thinking.

The CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling has been developed by industry specialists and endorsed by sector bodies, ensuring that you gain practical knowledge to excel in your career in organizations of various sizes across the industry.

In today’s job market, experience alone is no longer sufficient; potential employers are looking for evidence of professional proficiency through a current formal qualification.

This diploma delivers the essential expertise and skills for individuals wishing to perform general counseling functions or high-level communication within various commonly used modalities. It also includes working within case management frameworks in professions such as crisis gambling staff members and counselors.

What evidence you need?

To demonstrate your fitness for this qualification, you will need to provide a range of evidence to your assessor. This evidence may include

  • identification documents,
  • resume,
  • letter of employment,/current employment contracts,
  • letters of reference from licensed tradesmen you have worked with,
  • videos or photos of your work,
  • evidence of overseas qualifications,
  • transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications,
  • apprenticeship papers, case management notes,
  • payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed,
  • behavior reports, policies, and procedures,
  • grief support programs,
  • drug/alcohol awareness programs,
  • community development plans,
  • group activity structures, and
  • other supporting evidence.

What are the Potential Job Opportunities?

Upon successfully completing the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling, you will be eligible for job opportunities such as

  • crisis intervention worker,
  • phone counselor,
  • counselor,
  • therapeutic services coordinator,
  • family support worker,
  • mental health support worker, and
  • residential support worker.

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What Evidence you Need ?

You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your ability. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include:
✓ Resume
✓ Apprenticeship papers.
✓ Safe Work Method Statements
✓ Job Safety Analysis’
✓ Quotes/Invoice and stock orders
✓ Job Cards
✓ Maintenance Reports/Service sheets
✓ Testing and diagnostic sheets
✓ Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
✓ Letter of Employment
✓ Current employment contracts
✓ Letters of reference from licensed tradesmen you have worked with.
✓ Videos or photos of your work.
✓ Evidence of overseas qualifications.
✓ Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.

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