skill certified bag-04

Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis

This qualification is for security risk analysts who apply technical security and operations expertise in a risk management environment. Security risk analysts understand the current threat environment and assess risk and advise clients on strategies to ensure the protection of electronic security systems and people and property in crowded places, as defined by

Qualification Code: CPP41519

The Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis is for security risk analysts who apply technical security and operations expertise in a risk management environment.  Security risk analysts understand the current threat environment and assess risk and advise clients on strategies to ensure the protection of electronic security systems and people and property in crowded places, as defined by Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism (2017).

The qualification is one of the most sought after Nationally recognised Qualifications within the security industry.

This qualification provides occupational specialisations in electronic security and crowded places, and a pathway to further learning and work in security risk management.

Legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply in some states and territories to the provision of advice on security solutions, strategies, protocols and procedures. For further information, check with the relevant regulatory authority.

Participants receive comprehensive learning materials, a copy of ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management and trainer support. Presented using a combination of in-class and external study or external only with an immediate start.

Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism (2017).
Occupational titles may include:
 event security manager
 security risk adviser
 security risk analyst.
CPP41519 Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis Date this document was generated: 8 January 2021


  • Introduction and  overview  of  security  risk  management,  emergency  risk  management  and business continuity
  • Introduction to the framework for managing risk ISO 31000:2018
  • Understanding the threat assessment and risk analysis process
  • Procedures for  effective  risk  management  including:  conduct  a  risk  audit;  develop  a  risk register; develop policies; procedures and training for the organisation
  • Methods for implementing and monitoring the risk management plan
  • Methods for continually evaluating and improving the  risk management plan, policies  and procedures
  • Introduction to Leadership and Management skills and strategies

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the risk management process ISO 31000:2018 
  • Understand the threat assessment process 
  • Understand the strategic importance to the organisation of developing a risk management plan
  • Implement the risk management plan 
  • Evaluate and monitor the risk management plan 
  • Apply front-line management strategies in the workplace. 

This qualification provides occupational specialisations in electronic security and crowded
places, and a pathway to further learning and work in security risk management.
Legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply in some states and territories to the
provision of advice on security solutions, strategies, protocols and procedures. For further
information, check with the relevant regulatory authority.



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SkIllCERTIFY  can help you to find the right institution based on your requirements. We can help you to prepare your application for Enrolment – Admission – Credit Transfer – RPL – Upskills/Upgrade
Book an online appointment to discuss further.

What Evidence you Need ?

You should give a scope of proof to help your assessor to settle on a choice about your ability. The sorts of proof you might be approached to give can include:
✓ Resume
✓ Apprenticeship papers.
✓ Safe Work Method Statements
✓ Job Safety Analysis’
✓ Quotes/Invoice and stock orders
✓ Job Cards
✓ Maintenance Reports/Service sheets
✓ Testing and diagnostic sheets
✓ Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
✓ Letter of Employment
✓ Current employment contracts
✓ Letters of reference from licensed tradesmen you have worked with.
✓ Videos or photos of your work.
✓ Evidence of overseas qualifications.
✓ Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.

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